St. Albert /Ærø 7/10/2013 oil on canvas

When I look at this painting, I breathe and feel a fresh breeze and smell the salty air of the north. The sea, the sky and the coasts merge into a unity of possibilities that nature has to offer. The expanse of the view in the picture creates a space of boundaries and infinity at the same time, which I like to feel, lose myself in and work my way out of. It is precisely the rocky coast that reminds me of my shaky existence on the one hand, but also promises me solid ground for the course of my life on the other, producing the sound of the living sea. Having just escaped from the entanglements of the reeds, I can all too quickly become entangled in many different nets in the sea before the promise of the distant shore prevents my as yet unfulfilled hopes from drying up.

Peter Bartels 11/2022

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